Those two words sum up everything I’m feeling right now.
Risks of general anesthesia alone leaves me breathless. I’d rather breath my last, rather than let her go.
Risks of an amputation (What a mastectomy is, really) leaves me reeling in terror. I’d give my eyes before making her do this.
The pain she will go through lets me wallow in a state of agony, wishing I could take it from her.
The loss of an erogenous zone on her makes me feel emasculated. I want her to have her full womanhood, rather than let it be stolen from her.
No, I didn’t marry her for her breasts. She is still the same woman I love. No, her breasts don’t define her. She is strong enough to endure this pain. She chose the risk of surgery over the risk of cancer.
I just don’t want her to deal with any of this at all.
Very beautiful. I wish two all the best.
She has you to lean on Corey. You’ve always been there through everything. You’re able to comfort her to the best of your ability. Take comfort in that. ❤