When good came from a little fear…

I had my post-op follow up the other day, and it went well.  Things are healing up good, which is a relief. And I finally have a prescription for estrodial so hoping that will help with the menopause symptoms.
Then another appointment which sort of confused me, but things got figured out eventually 🙂 my fibroadenoma is still measuring the same, so that is good. No new lumps or bumps, also good. Next month I will get a breast MRI and discuss surgery with another doctor and then options with a plastic surgeon.  I KNOW this surgery is going to suck. I KNOW it’s going to hurt so much worse than the BSO, but I am seriously excited to do this surgery because it means my risk for cancer is reduced to almost nothing (well for cancers involving the BRCA1 gene mutation anyway).  I can almost understand why some people don’t want to know …. because knowing means it’s always in the back of your mind somewhere.  Until you *fix* it. So I’m excited to fix this.

It’s crazy though…  before all this started, I was already having *woman issues* and with this first surgery they found the endometriosis and PCOS, neither of which I had even suspected. (Of course, sadly I am TERRIBLE at keeping vagina appointments… stupid ME).  But it explains a lot, and not only have I cut my risk of ovarian cancer, I really should start feeling better over all. And my skin is clearer even! Hot flashes are a bitch but it’s nice not to want to eat everything in sight. I think it’s a fair enough trade off….

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