What am I in control of? The larger picture. Most likely not ever getting the big *C*. Though it’s been a painful choice so far, there are still zero regrets because *I* am in control of this choice.
Acceptance has been the hard part for me. Remembering that I’m only human, and even super moms need to heal as their bodies will allow. I am not one to sit around all day and not do much. So resting/reclining really has started to get to me… *THIS* part is making me miserable. I am usually the one doing everything around the house, and it has been a real emotional struggle to let others do it for me, bring me food, help me stand, etc. (Though, it is Friday and I can get off the couch on my own, and walk around for a bit before I start to feel it in my abdomen… that’s kind of nice).
My belly area is still a bit swollen. A little less each day. Yoga pants are still my best friends…. I do look forward to slipping on a pair of jeans eventually.
Just accept the small victories for now.